Kamis, 22 Oktober 2015

My activities on friday

Good morning, everybody☀️. Alhamdulillah It's Friday! Hope be better than before
Dream it, show it, do it! Ok, Today I would like to tell you about my activities on friday at Boarding School. Ace✉

Friday morning, I wake up at 4.55 a.m. because I'll go to mosque for praying. I pray on mosque at 5.10 a.m. Then, I go to mosque with my friends. Until arrive, I was prayer with all female students (they say santri) until end.

After that, I go asrama, and gymnastics together in the sport field, then our mutual help clean the dorms, breakfast, and showers.
I have a lunch at 12.30 a.m. Sometimes, i return home or shop, but not usually.
After lunch, i go sleep, washing clothes, or menghafal Al-Qur'an. I go to my bedroom for study untill 9 p.m. or 10 p.m. and finally, i go to sleep. Before it, i praying to God.

Ok, that's my habitual action every friday at Boarding School, nothing special, i know. Ta for your attention. ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

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